Our Services

Sustainability Management

Key business propositions

  • Support facilities to identify, evaluate, monitor & report on Environmental metrics.
  • Support facilities to identify, evaluate, monitor & report on United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).


The three main elements of corporate sustainability are environmental protection, social equity and economic viability.

Of all the environmental challenges that humanity and the Earth are currently facing and failing to solve, scientists have singled out the following as the most troubling: potentially catastrophic climate change due to rising greenhouse gas emissions from burning fossil fuels, deforestation and agricultural / cattle production.

In many countries, the need for increased transparency and accountability of all facilities is growing. Potential health and environmental risks posed by manufacturing facilities, and the goods and services they produce, are increasing pressure on them to generate, assess, and make information on their sustainability performance and impacts publicly available.

Main activities wherein we can support facilities are:

  1. Environmental compliance
  2. Development of sustainability metrics
  3. Sustainability calculation & reporting
  4. Carbon Footprinting
  5. GHG Calculation & Validation