Our Services

Environmental, Social & Governance

Key business propositions

  • Support facilities to identify, evaluate, monitor & report on Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) pillars.
  • Support facilities to identify, evaluate, monitor & report on United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
  • Support the clients in preparing the related sustainability / ESG reports and highlights.


Facilities intending to implement SDG / ESG reporting & disclosure are required to undertake the following:

  • Materiality Assessment: The facility should perform the materiality assessment for the related stakeholders in coordination with the international standards and guidelines providers such as global reporting institute. This shall ensure a proper assessment and exposure related to stakeholders from all types internal and external.
  • Measure Performance: The facility should identify existing commitments to establish a baseline. Thereafter, the facility should establish procedures to determine whether the facility’s actions match its public goals, the standards set by industry leaders and the frameworks established by third parties that the company has committed to or is required to follow. By doing so, the facility will be able identify any vulnerabilities in order to mitigate potential legal and reputational risks.
  • Monitor internal disclosures and commitments: The facility should monitor its disclosures and commitments, recognizing that these statements can appear in a variety of formal communications such as sustainability reports and corporate responsibility reports, as well as informal communications such communications to employees, social media posts, media interviews and website postings. Thereafter, the facility should have a procedure in place to monitor disclosures of the company as well as that of peer firms.
  • Consider statements like all other public statements: Statements made publicly should be vetted for factual accuracy and context in the same way as any other disclosure statements and reports.
  • Educate employees on the risks associated with disclosures: The facility should ensure that employees responsible for preparing and updating disclosures are sensitized to risks associated with public disclosures and to the importance of ensuring that statements are consistent with the company’s description of its business & periodic reports.

Main activities wherein we can support facilities are:

  1. Environment: carbon footprints, greenhouse gas emissions, energy efficiencies, material efficiencies, climate change, pollution mitigation, waste management and water usage, deforestation and biodiversity.
  2. Social: labor standards, wages and benefits, workplace and board diversity, racial justice, pay equity, human rights, talent management, community relations, privacy and data protection, health and safety, supply-chain management and other human capital and social justice issues.
  3. Governance: which covers the governing of environmental & social categories such as corporate board composition & structure, strategic sustainability oversight, compliance, executive compensation, political contributions & lobbying, organization code of ethics, and bribery & corruption.